It's going to be a busy September for the JREF with our appearances at Dragon*Con's Skeptrack, James Randi's whirlwind lecture tour of Canada, and a talk from Randi at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, FL (more details very soon). Plus, we're very excited to announce our next regional workshop will be held in Washington, D.C.!

In collaboration with the National Capital Area Skeptics and the University of Maryland Society of Inquiry, the JREF is presenting Divination with Pendulums and Dowsing Rods.  Through this hands-on workshop, attendees will learn the history of divination as well as how it's applied today.  They'll even make their own pendulums and dowsing rods and participate in double-blinded trials to test their divination skills.  And if this is anything like past JREF workshops, it will prove to be just as fun as it is educational.

The workshop will be held at the University of Maryland on Sunday, September 24th.  Registration information will be posted very soon, so keep an eye on this space.

In addition to divination, the JREF also presents exciting regional workshops on psychic tricks, skepticism 101, and several other topics in order to further our mission of bringing fun, informative scientific skepticism to the widest possible audience.  In October, the Atlanta Skeptics will be hosting our ESP workshop, and we're working to bring even more to Northern California by the end of the year.  We would love to present a workshop in your area as well. If you manage or belong to a regional skeptics group, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make that happen.

Finally, everyone in the Colorado area should be sure to attend Skepticamp Colorado 2011 this Saturday, August 27th!  The JREF is a proud supporter of free and open Skepticamp conferences all over the world.  For more information, click here.