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randitoon_01What is JREF's Season of Reason?
(Donate and earn a special-edition Best of TAM DVD!)

The Season of Reason is a celebration of critical thinking aimed at raising money to help the James Randi Educational Foundation continue to help equip young minds with the tools of critical thought. This new education effort is aimed specifically at introducing grade-school children to the concept of critical thinking. The JREF is poised to begin a program that uses a network of local educators and upstanding critical thinkers to make presentations to grade-school children and expose them to critical thinking as it pertains to everything from literature and science, even delving into novel areas such as sports and fantasy.

12kthermoWeb Site

The JREF is launching a new sister website that is aimed specifically at grade-school aged boys and girls. This site is designed to help children understand the fundamentals of critical thinking. In short, by melding fun ideas that appeal to kids together with the actual science behind these concepts, we can help to incorporate critical thinking into children's lives. This education plan has absolutely no stand on religion or political issues and is interested only in good science, critical thought, and evidence-based practices.

For example, 10-year-old boys like the idea of zombies; our web page will include lots of fun information about zombies, movies about zombies, books, and the theory behind zombies and their nefarious goals. This is presented in a fun and entertaining way and will include celebrities who are friends of JREF. Along with this fictional information about zombies, we also include information from the real world about ‘zombies' and the work that Dr. Wade Davis did to uncover the ‘zombification' drug in the 1980s. In short, we are going to provide both entertainment and education for youngsters so that they can begin to think skeptically about the world around them.

The money we raise for this educational program can ensure that we have a solid foundation from which to build a strong North American-wide network of educators, entertainers, and scientists to not only encourage critical thinking in schools but also to be a voice of reason in the future. Ultimately the plan is designed to expand to college and university campuses so that we can continue to play an important role in the education of our most precious resource: children.

One of the key elements to this education push is the JREF web-based Science fair. The brainchild of Alison Smith, the web-based science fair is poised to become a premiere national/international science fair for grade-school children interested in good science and skeptical thinking.

Best of TAM DVD

Please, if your situation allows you to help the JREF move forward with this educational program, click on the Season of Reason button and then donate generously. Donations of $100 or more get the coveted "Best of TAM" DVD. This is a fantastic collection of some of the best moments collected during the Amazing Meetings that have spanned the last eight years.

Our Goal

The JREF has set the goal for the Season of Reason fundraising campaign at $25,000.00 between now and the end of the traditional ‘holiday' season in North America. Our web page has a money thermometer to show the level of success that you are bringing to the JREF and its programs. By meeting this goal we can help educate youngsters about critical thinking and the wonders of reality.

Note: The Best of TAM DVD is available as a special thank-you only for those who contribute to the Season of Reason campaign.