
In this article, I ran an item about one “astrologer Sir Bejaan Daruwala,” and I expressed my wonder that he’d been granted that honor, perhaps either for being an astrologer or for endorsing “Global Zodiac Rings and Pendants,” miraculous gems that vibrate the naïve into ecstasies of spending Well, our friend John Atkinson perches on the Isle of Man watching over peccadilloes originating from his part of the globe, and thanks to him as well as several other observant readers, it seems that astrologer Daruwala does not possess a knighthood. The misunderstanding came from the media source that made the report; they took the word “Sri” – a respectful title of address in India – to be an accidental transposition for what they thought should have been, “Sir”.

I repeated the error, for which I apologize…