
Apparently, Uri Geller is sticking by his decision that no matter what people say about him, it's all good publicity, just as I'm sure that mentalist Kreskin probably celebrates the existence stephen_colbertof the movie The Great Buck Howard, even though it's a devastating and hilarious exposé of him and his methods. Geller delights in quoting Oscar Wilde: "The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about." Take a look here at the latest major comment on the professional spoon-bender, this time by Stephen Colbert, and decide whether Geller will celebrate this event or summon his lawyers – one of his very favorite pastimes – to bleat and moan once again. Colbert being Colbert, he could not possibly have passed up an opportunity to show just how ridiculous the latest from Geller really is. Even Geller’s devoted teenyboppers might gag at this claim.

Of course, we're still waiting for Geller to announce that he has succeeded in bringing back one of the cameras that the lunar astronauts left on our satellite 39 years ago; an intention he announced long ago, but which has so far not been achieved, for some strange reason.