(Editor's Note: So begins our effort to keep dedicated Swifters abreast of the goings-on on other skeptical blogs. Science-Based Medicine is among the most mind-expanding and important sites on the web, home to many of the JREF's closest friends and best allies. Henceforth, Harriet Hall, the SkepDoc, will offer us a weekly summary of their work.)

Here is a recap of the stories that appeared last week at Science-Based Medicine, a multi-author skeptical blog that seperates the science from the woo in medicine.

Conflicts of interest in science-based medicine (David Gorski)
We all know that studies done by drug companies are more likely to give positive results than studies done by independent researchers. In addition to financial interests, researchers often have psychological conflicts of interest that can bias their results.

Cancer prevention: The forgotten stepchild of cancer research? (David Gorski)
Interventions with diet and supplements to prevent cancer have been disappointing. At the same time, some effective preventive measures are being under-utilized.

H1N1 Pandemic Update (Steven Novella)
An announcement of a special episode of Skeptic's Guide to the Universe on this subject.

Environmental Medicine - Not Your Average Specialty (Harriet Hall)
An exposé of a "specialty" that is not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties and that has more in common with quackery than with science.

Evidence in Medicine - Correlation and Causation (Steven Novella)
Evidence for correlations is useful but is often abused. Correlations don't prove causation.

The USPSTF recommendations for breast cancer screening: Not the final word (David Gorski)
An explanation and critique of the new mammography recommendations, by a breast cancer surgeon and researcher.

What's in the water at waterbirth? (Amy Tuteur)
Water birth is not supported by science and can infect infants with fecal bacteria.

"Move along. Nothing to see Here" - F. Drebin (Mark Crislip)
Discusses provisions of the proposed health care bills that would have required prayer by Christian Science practitioners to be reimbursed as a medical expense.